
Showing posts from 2009

5am insomnia

new from dancing girl press


a new decade

last minute gifts?

merrily along...

dgp angst

new additions

things (both random and profound)

oh my, I am in love

in progress

people, places, things (November Edition)

new postcard sneak peak

a review of The Sad Epistles

13 things I am loving

Exquisite: A Series of Corpses

sunday reveal

saturday night

new from dancing girl press

wicked alice

tuesday reveal

five things to read, do, see, buy and possibly eat in October...

monday reveal

friday night

thursday reveal

dgp notes

wednesday reveal

One new and pretty thing daily....

this week

On "The New Chicago School"...

odds & ends

This Saturday

now available from dancing girl press

Fall Chapbook Sale

long lazy weekends

Interview with Talia Reed

new things

foodie porn porn

dancing girls about town

(pre-) occupied

Save the Remingtons...


things I read and saw and did and ate on my vacation..

thoughts on some thoughts on women's poetry

dishes, dresses, mirrors
