Monday, September 16, 2024

pretty dead things

fauxtography, 2024


As I've had an eye toward finishing up the short series of MARIANA prose poems, I've been flirting with something new for the next month or so's writing endeavors after I  saw a mention of French girls who were brought over during the 19th century from France to the New Orleans who were rumored to be vampires (a confusion perhaps in their name "casquette" girls who carried all their belongings and dowries in trunks, but also involvement with mysterious happenings at a convent after they arrived to marriages that did not go so well, most of them being between 14 and 17 years old and all alone in a new country). It being about one of my favorite cities and to boot, about the supernatural, it caught my imagination completely and I've been furiously doing research and scribbling notes the past week or so. NOLA has such rich vampire lore that goes far beyond even Anne Rice. My favorite bookstore in the French quarter is devoted entirely to vampire books and goods. It seems a very appropriate project be starting as we near Halloween, and if all goes well, I would love to show it off as part of this years #31daysofHalloween offerings, which I already have many things coming down the pipeline, including a couple collage zines that I was working on last fall that are finally ready to share., including a physical artist book in a tiny edition I will be putting in the shop. I will also be making some new spooky art things, video poems, some recordings of both new and old poems, and other Halloween and horror related content I've been saving up for October, including a couple pieces here on the blog, so keep an eye out for those...

Thursday, September 12, 2024

notes & things | 9/12/2024

fauxtography experiment, 2024

Sometimes, the weeks vanish and fold in on themselves. These last couple have been busy, with trips to McHenry to the drive-in, the cool, mildish weather of September, more films (including delightfully bad 70's zombies, religiously-inspired comic characters, domestic terror about horrible in-laws, and a 20th anniversary screening of Sean of the Dead. )  Last night we also caught Book of Mormon on tour, which was of course, hilarious given my long time love of South Park. We have a bunch of theater nights planned this month and through the fall, including some Shakespeare coming up and a couple of my personal favorites (Les Mis and Into the Woods.) Otherwise, there have been pumpkin spice flavored things (coffee, muffins, late night ice cream), glorious breakfasts cooked by J, and the usual things of life like plotting my fall wardrobe switch out, Halloween costumes, and my autumnal decorations.  

I have been otherwise keeping my head down and working furiously in writing and editing things when I'm at home--less creative stuff like decorating and DIY pieces, but with occasional snippets for the mariana series. I have also turned my thoughts to getting a final draft assembled for RUINPORN to begin combing through and getting ready for proofing and design, but am waiting to finish a few more delayed DGP chaps before really digging in toward the end of the month. I also have some fun ideas for new journals and paper things over in the shop I would love to launch this fall. 

We were out Tuesday nigh, but caught a recording of the debate later in lieu of our usual late night streaming (we are a little ways into Breaking Bad, which I am watching for the first time.) It went about as suspected, with a whole bunch of WTF moments and both Harris and the mods having to keep things on the rails. It is alarming that many do believe the nonsense from the far right wholeheartedly, though I think its becoming less and less whatever your political leanings. Or at least I hope so. 

Sunday, September 01, 2024

broken places


It's September, which means new month, new zine project filled with poems and fauxtographs  You can read BROKEN PLACES here...