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notes & things | 2/2/2025

It being a new month, and having just finished up THE WOODS poems last week by the skin of my teeth to get the zine out before the month ended as planned, I took the week off from creative writing as I worked on paid writing things that I wanted to wrap before the end of the month. This means, after a Saturday in which I mostly took entirely off to go play D&D with friends, eat delicious tacos, and nap, today I was confronted with where to go next in terms of projects.  Over coffee earlier, I made a list of things either in progress or planned. There are some older things that have associated art that I haven't yet started writing the text portion of. There are text projects that have sat abandoned for many years. There are others that I am undecided on if I want to do them, or combine them into other manuscripts and projects. There's a new collage project (see above) that may be hankering for poems. On a normal weekend, I would have been able to make decisions on this, but...

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