dancing girls about town

Last night was a great time at the Danny's Indie Press reading. Kristen Orser was awesome, as were all the readers, particularly Patrick Durgan's collaborative reading of Hannah Weiner's work. We're gearing up for next week when dgp gals (Kristin, Stephanie Anderson & Susan Slaviero) are on the road to the Tuesday Funk Series, and then in October, at the 1st Fridays Series (I'm still working on the line-up for this). Also watch in the next week or so for a batch of new chaps as soon as I get things in order, as well as the much tardy Summer wicked alice (er...should I say the Fall Issue.) I was actually thinking yesterday that we've been online for 8 years now and how things have evolved both design wise and in terms of aesthetics, although I imagine it pretty much reflects my own own interests as a poet and how they've evolved in a more innovative direction (as well as some of the authors we've been publishing since the beginning as well.). I've always like to think of the editor as collector of interesting things, something I've been thinking about in the daunting task of wading into the morass of the dgp submissions come Sept 1st.

The last couple of days have hinted at fall, cool, cloudy, unusually windy. It's inevitable I suppose, winter and all the bleakness. On the plus side, I talked to the folks at GRP and girl show if all goes well will be out before the end of the year. So there is that to look forward to. Meanwhile, I am filling a gigantic bookstore order, making 6 pairs of earrings for bridesmaids (actually not my for my sister's nuptials, but an etsy sale to an impending bride) and secretly plotting holiday lovelies for the shop. I'm also getting ready for a big fall update (mostly because the USB cable on my camera is done for and I haven't been able to add the last few things I've been creating over the past couple of weeks--including collages, candles, necklaces, new notecard designs, and much more..stay tuned)
