Monday, May 26, 2014

So today, I celebrated Memorial Day by eating chocolate cake for breakfast and sneaking in some extra studio time, wherein I worked on author copies, listened to the Rolling Stones and ate a lot of strawberries. It's  beautiful day, the beaches, of not actual water, full of people and making me feel like I should be playing hooky there instead of toiling away inside.  I've been napping a bit too much, but yesterday morning, let go of something I really need to let go of.  Years ago.  Sort of an emotional purging of sorts that resulted in the aforementioned  napping, but by the time I woke up last night, I was in a good mood and over all of it.    But closure is good.   New promising romantic entanglements are good. (very good).  And I feel a bit like a weight has been lifted or a shadow has been vanquished or whatever euphemism you would like to use. 

In other news, the mockup for lunarium has been completed, fine tuned, and will be available soon.  I'll be shipping to subscribers hopefully by the end of the week. The ghost landscape poems are also humming along and will be ready by the time June rolls around, so I will making a little postcard zine from them.  It's interesting, because they've taken an interesting slightly surreal turn I never intended but it works.  You could pretty much say that about life in general lately.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Another semester put to bed, another spate of glorious perfect temperatures, and I'm running a tremendously good mood the past day or so (though I'm pretty much running on fumes because of my altered sleep schedule.)  I'm working slowly, however, on getting a mockup of the lunarium project finished off, as well as plugging away on the landscape poems (finally..)  I'm indulging in ice cream and after-work margaritas and clinging rather uneasily to the warm weather as if it will go away again as stubbornly as it came.  The library is quiet and tomblike and good for brainstorming and dreaming and thinking up new projects (flip books, collage series, new paintings, oh my.)  I also finally got my hands on a copy of Codex Seraphinianus that we ordered for the collection, so it's sitting on my desk in the back as we speak awaiting some more perusal...

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

carnival season

in progress---my little zine/broadside featuring one of the poems in GIRL SHOW. It will soon be available as part of the subscription series and a little art vending machine project we are cooking up in the library as part of the Aesthetics of Research exhibit...

Thursday, May 08, 2014

It's sort of amazing what a little bit of good weather will do to my mood. Today homemade peach cobbler and al pastor tacos from Flacos.  A good span of bookmaking in the studio. A chat over e-mail with someone I've missed rather sorely the past few years. Maybe some poeming later.  And it's Thursday, with the weekend just over horizon, a weekend in which I'll get a few hours in at the studio Saturday, and then on Sunday, some mom time and a possible picnic lakeside and then maybe some painting now that I have watercolor paper.  I am ready to pull out the flip flops and throw all the windows open and sleeping with covers off..  I am ready for Italian ice and bright colored sundresses and not freezing every single place I go..bring it on, summer...

Saturday, May 03, 2014


It would figure that the first warmish, sun-filled day would coincide with a day being stuck all day in the library, but I am trying not to take it personally.  I am tired with the early morning, but I have still been reasonably productive thus far, and have designed a couple of covers, updated some social media things, made plans for an open studio to coincide with Printers Row, and cleared out my dgp inbox for the most part.  I'll be settling in for some layouts on some books and some final edits on others this afternoon, which will hopefully make the remaining hours fly by. Then tonight, it's a few hours in the studio with some orders, then home, then bed, then back to the library again tomorrow at noon.  We are rearing up on the end of the term, so soon I will have many, many more free evenings and weekends.  I'm not sure how this will translate into having more time for things, but here's hoping...