That little sale below made for a very successful Black Friday/ Cyber Monday in the shop, so to keep the holiday momentum going, I've decided to offer free shipping worldwide on all jewelry and accessories all through December. Things are starting to get a little nuts as they always do, so I will most certainly be pulling some earlier mornings in the studio to get done everything I need to get done.
The weekend was the usual mess of family and too much food, and I was definitely feeling the cabin-fever restlessness that might mean cutting my Christmas visit a little shorter than I'd initially planned. I was so happy to sleep in my own bed last night. Plus I always feel like I'm just postponing the inevitable amount of work that I'm not getting done while I'm away, so it's hardly relaxing, not to mention actually getting ready to go out of town, the tying up of ends, the packing, the last minute prep is way too exhausting and I usually wind up spending the time away recovering from that which could have been avoided had I just stayed home in the first place.
The weekend was the usual mess of family and too much food, and I was definitely feeling the cabin-fever restlessness that might mean cutting my Christmas visit a little shorter than I'd initially planned. I was so happy to sleep in my own bed last night. Plus I always feel like I'm just postponing the inevitable amount of work that I'm not getting done while I'm away, so it's hardly relaxing, not to mention actually getting ready to go out of town, the tying up of ends, the packing, the last minute prep is way too exhausting and I usually wind up spending the time away recovering from that which could have been avoided had I just stayed home in the first place.