Today, I was up early and down to the studio in order to make up for two missed days of bookmaking, which of course, sets me back in productivity a few notches (Yeasterday, while it was a nice lazy snow day vacation filled with napping and homemade chicken primavera and whiskey, but I took a hit in available work time.) I've given up on hoping winter will just dissipate, since it seems intent on sticking around for a few more weeks. Meanwhile, I hold on whilst eyeing my spring and summer clothes and plotting new shoe-buying exploits as if I could just conjure spring into being via mindwork.
Meanwhile, everyone is in Boston for AWP, or at least it seems like everyone. I vascillate between gah, thank god I don't have to get ready for AWP! to wah..everyone is having fun without me!. It demands a lot of work, but there is also a lot of fun in there. I'd really like to try to make it to Seattle next year, though. Last year, besides the open studio, one reading, the chapbook panel, and some Palmer House bar carousing, I pretty much worked my way through the conference getting ready for our event on Saturday and suddenly it was all over and had passed me right by. No matter how early I start preparing, there is always so much last minuteness (though this could be said about life in general in these parts.
So meanwhile I fold and staple and hide under the covers waiting for that day very soon when I can throw the windows wide open. I know it's coming...
Meanwhile, everyone is in Boston for AWP, or at least it seems like everyone. I vascillate between gah, thank god I don't have to get ready for AWP! to wah..everyone is having fun without me!. It demands a lot of work, but there is also a lot of fun in there. I'd really like to try to make it to Seattle next year, though. Last year, besides the open studio, one reading, the chapbook panel, and some Palmer House bar carousing, I pretty much worked my way through the conference getting ready for our event on Saturday and suddenly it was all over and had passed me right by. No matter how early I start preparing, there is always so much last minuteness (though this could be said about life in general in these parts.
So meanwhile I fold and staple and hide under the covers waiting for that day very soon when I can throw the windows wide open. I know it's coming...