Today was the first cool sort of blustery day that really felt like fall and had me scrambling for longer sleeves and an extra blanket for the bed. I am working all weekend (I prefer to get most of my obligatory weekend shifts out of the way early in the semester when getting out of bed at 7 on a Saturday doesn't make me hate my life). There are good poetry things afoot, however. Maverick Duck Press has just agreed to publish my chap beautiful, sinister (aka the narrative project) next summer. They make a lot of gorgeously designed books and covers, so I was thrilled. Between that and the JF chap, which will be rolling out soon, and girl show's release next fall, it will be a busy year in getting work out there, which I need after a couple years of sitting tightly on things and submitting work getting sort of lost in the melee. There are other projects that are nearly there, dreams about houses and bees, a little chap of moon poems, plus full length book #4 and nearly #5 completed which I will be sending out sometime next year.


teacherneiu said…
Good job getting the work out!
Congratulations, esp. placing work with presses you respect. Elizabeth Marino