tragically unhip

Okay, so I've admitted I have an odd tendency to like country music. My fifteen year old self, who sullenly clamped her hands over her headphones in the car while my parents blasted it from the front seat would be horrified. I've never been a big music person. Among the classics, I tend to like very unhip things like the Eagles and Fleetwood Mac. My general musical tastes sort of stalled out in the nineties--girl bands and grunge. Folk-rockish and "alternative-lite" as we used to snidely call it. Edgy, but not really all that edgy. And even now I tend to like stuff that is not too unlike the stuff I liked back then.. I don't even really follow music except what strikes my fancy every now and again.

And the country stuff, we're not only talking classic, rather trendy stuff like Johnny Cash and Patsy Cline, but stuff this case...the Dixie Chicks. When I'm working on other stuff on the laptop at home, I like to intermittedly watch videos on YouTube, and yesterday, after I'd played another one of their videos I clicked on one I'd never seen before. Seriously, no joke I watched it and just lost it and was sobbing by the end. Three times. Now I am never one for emotional manipulation, but somehow this just tore me up. And of course, I watched it again (my mom says I used to make her play a song on a record about a little lost, abandoned Christmas tree, and then stand in the living room and cry.) Apparently I still have those tendedncies.

Actually, it's cinematically a rather cool video, atmosphere and scene-wise. It's apparently a few years old. I was a child pretty much deprived of MTV, so I'm oddly drawn to music videos, particularly those with a narrative (true to the song or otherwise.)

Of course, I probably less embarassed to admit I cried through that than I am to admit I had this on perpetual replay a few weeks ago at the height of my relationship drama. I'm not at all a Rod Stewart fan ( know mostly as a scary old guy who marries women way too young for him), but this song kills me...


Rod Stewart reminds me of a rubber chicken.
Anonymous said…
Country music. I grew up listenting to my dad listen to it. He would have his moods, where he would turn it up so loud everyone else in the house had no choice but to hear it too. He liked the old stuff (Merl Haggard, Hank Williams) and the new stuff, which at the time was Randy Travis and Reba. I hated, hated, hated all of that very uncool music. But now, I have to admit that it has not so much grown as me, but more like I've grown into it. Living in rural Indiana there are times when I can't help but feel that that music is me, and why pretend any different. That sounds lame but I can't help but want to play the fiddle--just like my dad.

And Rod Stewart. Every female in my family was crazy about him, and like candydish, yea, I couldn't see it. I remember we were at my grandma's and his video for "Hot Legs" came on and my mom, aunt, and grandma all came running into the living to watch it, as if they were 13.
Evildolleyes said…
80's Rod Stewart? Dork. :)
kristy bowen said…
Perhaps the only thing worse is early 90's Rod of my freshman year roomates had an obsession with Rod Stewart and made us watch the videos over and over again. My other roomate, thankfully, introduced me to Nine Inch Nails...hopefully it balances out..
Anonymous said…
I like the Dixie Chicks too, though I don't really consider them country anymore. The Goodbye Earl video is cheesy good.