I’ve gotten a couple of awesome opportunities to sell my stuff in actual, brick & mortar stores/galleries over the past couple of months including some unmentionables that just went off to this cool little boutique, Bella, all the way up in Alaska, A couple weeks ago, some art that was sent off to this rather lovely looking gallery, Papercuts and Gluesticks, in Ohio. And today, I just had a wholesale order for some of my poetry pendants. Things are going pretty well in our little etsy shop, which of course means that I can pay the rent at the studio and buy more paper and art supplies, all very good things. Including our lovely banner for book and craft fairs that I’m super excited to use and paper for the next couple of chaps. Busy, but fun…of course I may have to add another shipping day (I usually can manage about two hours twice a week to filling etsy and main website orders, but I’m still perpetually behind on one or the other. ..)

In chapbook news, watch for the April offering this weekend, Melissa Crowe’s Cirque du Creve-Coeur. I’m in the midst of a staplethon that I can hopefully finish by Friday.
