library happenings
While a lot of my days at the library have been filled up with meetings and clerical randomness and never ending hiring committees (two for our department, one for Reference)...I have also been working on some funner things, including a zine workshop at the Chinatown branch, and another coming up on the north side, as well as prep for the upcoming Future Tense exhibit, which has a lot of submissions to wade through. . I will also be doing a small session on zines for a faculty member and her class, a project that will continue throughout the rest of the semester, and pulling together a lib guide on Afrofuturism.
Perhaps the largest of fun A of R related endeavors is the above which was vacated by another department and is set to be our workshop space. It needs some work and organization, but we're hoping to host our first workshop (with our Artist in Residence) in a couple weeks. Since most of our zine nights and how-tos have been happening on the first floor awkwardly near the circ desk, it will be nice to stretch out. It was also nice to unload some supplies up that that have been threatening to subsume me in my usual workspace. My A of R co-conspirator also has some larger projects (like big things for the Manifest parade) underway with classes & student groups that need the extra room we now have to play with.
Other things on the horizon include a workshop on campus about libraries and art practice and a possible poster session at the upcoming ALA conference on the uses of library social media for teaching and learning.