writing & art bits | february

* This month, I managed to round off another segment of the poet's zodiac pieces, which I will sharing on instagram as we go.  The winter ones are a little darker than what comes before them, but this is to be suspected.  I am 3/4 of the way through the entire project and may be able to finish it within the next couple of months if I keep up the daily writing, so here's hoping.  I will also be doing another round of scrolls in the summer to give away at zine fest and other things  (last year's included only the spring ones). 

*Having wound up the short series of swallow poems, I'm currently scoping out projects that might be good for the Tiny Letter subscription format. So more on that soon.  There are a few irons in the fire, but I'm not sure which is burning the hottest just yet--lots of starts, but nothing has caught wind in the last few weeks. I'd like to go with something a bit longer this time.

*My 100 rejections plan is off to a good start, or maybe I should say an inconclusive start since I've sent of 9 subs and still have no responses.  But I was thinking I'd already sent off a few more than I did the entirety of last year already, so I am already a success no matter what happens to the poems in the long run. Because I am horrible at record-keeping, I'm trying to keep it simple and just send stuff out to one place at a time. So we'll see how it goes.

*Thank you to all for the amazing response to the new collage series, the summer house (see above) on social media.  I, too,  am really loving them, and already have written a couple text pieces to accompany them in some sort of future zine project. I was thinking how much I love how the visuals and text pieces work toward telling a story together an love how that plays out, so more soon.

* And speaking of zine projects, both tardy  January & February offerings are just about done..the animals accordian book and ordinary planet, which is all set to print this week.   You can still get in on the action by subscribing here.   I've been waffling over what is next and it may be a print version of taurus with the collages (currently the online version is just text.) There is also something I plan on doing with the strangerie pieces that might be cool if I can swing it, more on that later...
