It would figure that the first warmish, sun-filled day would coincide with a day being stuck all day in the library, but I am trying not to take it personally.  I am tired with the early morning, but I have still been reasonably productive thus far, and have designed a couple of covers, updated some social media things, made plans for an open studio to coincide with Printers Row, and cleared out my dgp inbox for the most part.  I'll be settling in for some layouts on some books and some final edits on others this afternoon, which will hopefully make the remaining hours fly by. Then tonight, it's a few hours in the studio with some orders, then home, then bed, then back to the library again tomorrow at noon.  We are rearing up on the end of the term, so soon I will have many, many more free evenings and weekends.  I'm not sure how this will translate into having more time for things, but here's hoping...
