Though my green dress/ grey cardigan combination today resembles (a little too closely) the library's décor scheme, it's been a good day so far, with some galley editing and manuscript reading this morning in the studio (still waiting on my laptop, so I am paper bound on some final decisions).  Also chocolates and submission plans (like to actually send some out).   The weather was as grey as my sweater and a little drizzly, but November is peeking over the horizon, so it's to be expected.  In terms of the months, it's sort of always my least favorite--the darkening, dragging lull between Halloween and Thanksgiving.  Second only to March, which is the impatient dregs of winter (unless it's oddly warm and an early spring).

But Halloween costume plans are nevertheless afoot (no party this year or contests, but I'm dressing up for work anyway.) I am also turning my attention towards AWP travel plans and getting my train tickets squared away and  starting to make some sort of schedule.  It looks like the panel I'm on happens Thursday afternoon, and I'll be reading for one press that evening, and possibly another TBD.  Since it's been moved back another month to December, girl show will still be fairly new then, so there will be much to celebrate.
