My mother is always fond of qualifying statements with the phrase "if it's meant to be, it will happen.." which usually drives my Type A control freaky Taurean self absolutely bonkers. This usually has to do with the sort of things that fall mostly beyond your realm of control, not necessarily chance things, like winning the lottery or getting struck by lighting, but more mundane things like getting a job or a promotion or winning a prize or whathaveyou. To which my usual response is "NO! NO! NO!, YOU have to MAKE it happen.." I am never one to wait for serendipity, which is sometimes incredibly frustrating when things involve the will & whims of one or more other people. Nothing bothers me worse than "wait and see" or "play it by ear"..Of course I am also occasionally guilty of putting off decision-making until it either works itself out or is to late to really decide, thereby wallowing in indecision, which is what I have been doing for a couple of weeks. The jury is stil out on the outcome of this particular situation, and perhaps I waited too long deciding what to do. I've been leaving alot to portents and signs and auspicious revelations. I haven't gone so far as to do anything wacky like pull out the tarot cards, but I have engaged in some coin flipping and pencil spinning. I've made decisions like this before, and sometimes my best decisions have been about whim and chance and excellent timing. All I can do is sit tight and wait to see if it works out...
