I've been working a little the past couple of days on the project using the cabinet card and old photo images. As I was making them, I was thinking it might make a cool box project, reproduced / doctored photos and maybe letters, postcards, calling cards, ephemera, etc. I'm hesitant to do another Victorian themed project since I feel I've already exhausted that impulse, but somehow these images seem to be begging for it and I've been waiting to do something in a box for awhile now. Of course there is still the pop-up thing, and a couple of poem-only projects I am in the midst of and never enough time to do everything (even the cards have taken me over a year to get to properly).

Detroit, however, was good, despite some travel diffulties and logistics. Theatre Bizarre was the strange amazingness it always is. So much cool stuff, including a huge diorama of the original grounds, lots of fire performances, a "sinema" featuring scare films, and a disorienting layout of rooms opening onto rooms. I always feel creatively inspired by what I see there, as well, in terms of the way John Dunivant creates this little (well,sorta big) world and invites others into it. It makes me want to create things like that (well on a smaller scale anyway..)

I am working on another box project for Rebecca Dunham's Facsicle, which is a collection of poems and prints from Dickinson's Harbarium. And there is still the long overdue tarot project that will be finished at some point.

Otherwise, the world is a flurry of tiny yellow leaves and a lot of rain. I am waiting for a promised bout of Indian Summer..
