photo courtesy of pinterest

After working most of this week in that weird pre-holiday vacuum where all of the students are gone and most of the staff and the library eerily quiet, I am very much exhausted from finishing off a huge batch of book orders, getting up way to early, christmas shopping and wrapping and general holiday preparations. Me and the kitties are firmly installed at my parents for the weekend and the bulk of next week and plan to eat cookies and work on poems and collages and not think much about all that still needs to be done at home and in the studio. I do have a handful of books set to go live next week though, including havoc, so there is those as well as a couple of sets of proofs to go over a final time.

Since I will have a few days off work when I get back, I hope to get a good amount of submissions out of my own work--one area where I have been extremely negligent this year despite solid resolutions and plans to the contrary. I feel it's at the bottom of the list and thus gets waylaid way too often in favor of putting out other fires. And since poetry focus time (for my own work) is at a premium, I hate to spend it doing mundane boring stuff like reading guidelines, deciding what to send where, tracking submissions, and actually getting them out the door ( metaphorically anyway, more like out of the sent box. Increasingly, I am much less likely to bother with printing and SASE-ing hard copies to presses who haven't joined the 21st century no matter how fancy their pedigree.)
