paper moons, art projects, and plans...
A friend at work created this amazing giant 7 ft. paper moon for photo-ops during the Halloween themed fundraisor event which was really sort of awesome and subsequently got me thinking about a potential project for all of those old photos I picked up from my aunt last time I was in Rockford. Before I can move onto that, however I spent a few hours yesterday finishing up the Spectacle series collages since there might be an impending need for more art for the next library show. Since they are all different sizes I had to track down some frames and reharvest some matteboards I'd been using for my own walls, but I'm hoping for maybe a grouping effect (there are 18 pieces of various sizes total).
I'm feeling particularly visual-project oriented the last couple of weeks, but I'm hoping to get back to both the silly series of prose poems I was working on and the narrative collection this week. It's hard to stay balanced and soon as I get overwhelmed with my to-do list, the writing, which takes a certain concentration, tends to get pushed aside. Friday, I also finally put the finishing touches on the little landscape/architecture zine I've been dawdling with since the summer, so I'm hoping to make that available soon.
I realized with a start that Thanksgiving break is now a mere two weeks away, which means I am so very behind schedule in getting the shop all ship/shape for the holidays. I'm planning for a little bit of rush, some new goodies, and was even thinking about re-opening the etsy shop for the season, at least with some of the more popular, less work intensive sellers (hair clips, flasks, paper goods). I will probably miss the extra cash if I don't (though I will not miss the 3am making/wrapping soap binges and the shipping marathons of years prior). And there are always new book titles, a slew of them before the year is out, including havoc, which I am starting to get excited about releasing.
Otherwise, I have been trying out some recipes in my quest to make actual meals, including a delish Penne Rosa sauce and, today, hopefully a successful chicken pot pie crumble. I'm still a little frightened of more complicated things, but it's better than spending so much cash on frozen food and takeout. Otherwise I am catching up on sleep from all of those lost weekends and mostly hiding out in the apartment.