wicked alice print annual 2006
In a supremely blonde moment, I accidentally deleted a bunch of e-mail addresses from my address book that I need in order to get in touch with a bunch of poets regarding their work in the print annual. (bad, bad editor) I have some of the one’s below, but I’m severely in need of the italicized ones. Does anyone out there have current e-mail addresses for any of these folks? If so, could you backchannel me? Pretty please?
Ona Gritz “Last Tango in Pyramus”
Maggie Porter “San Panteleone Sees Anne Sexton on the Corniche in Beirut”
Esei Murasaki “Epigraph to A Transcontinental Love”
Liz Dolan “Interruptions”
Alison Daniel “Somersaulting”
Susan Yount “Humoring Me”
Juliet Cook “Engulf”
Jayne Pupek “Forms of Intercession”
Katie Fesuk “Carol Burnette, Inebriated”
Heather MacPherson “Residue”
Susan Cronin “Document”
Arlene Ang “Crimson Down the Gutter”
Maurice Oliver “If the Shoe Skits”
Gillian Devereux “In My Secret life as a Porn Star”
Erin Elizabeth “How the Gailtling Sister’s Fared the War”
Lauren Mathews Levato “Mother Fabric”
Robyn Art “The Female’s Incarnation as a Ring of Salt”
Melanie Dusseau “Girl’s Guide to Pugilism”
Rebecca Cook “If I Had a Needle”
Elizabeth Glixman "Shirley Temple Curls Near the Dinner Table”
Lightsey Darst “Temple Door”
Jeannine Hall-Gailey“Her Nerves”
Carly Sachs “Indecent Docent, Sex Deprived Tina”
Roxanne Carter “bankrupt of all her hopes”
Brett Griffiths “Ode to Fellatio”
The rest of the non-italicized people I have addresses for but need to dig them up elsewhere still. If any of you are reading this, I’ll be getting in touch with you shortly.
Ona Gritz “Last Tango in Pyramus”
Maggie Porter “San Panteleone Sees Anne Sexton on the Corniche in Beirut”
Esei Murasaki “Epigraph to A Transcontinental Love”
Liz Dolan “Interruptions”
Alison Daniel “Somersaulting”
Susan Yount “Humoring Me”
Juliet Cook “Engulf”
Jayne Pupek “Forms of Intercession”
Katie Fesuk “Carol Burnette, Inebriated”
Heather MacPherson “Residue”
Susan Cronin “Document”
Arlene Ang “Crimson Down the Gutter”
Maurice Oliver “If the Shoe Skits”
Gillian Devereux “In My Secret life as a Porn Star”
Erin Elizabeth “How the Gailtling Sister’s Fared the War”
Lauren Mathews Levato “Mother Fabric”
Robyn Art “The Female’s Incarnation as a Ring of Salt”
Melanie Dusseau “Girl’s Guide to Pugilism”
Rebecca Cook “If I Had a Needle”
Elizabeth Glixman "Shirley Temple Curls Near the Dinner Table”
Lightsey Darst “Temple Door”
Jeannine Hall-Gailey“Her Nerves”
Carly Sachs “Indecent Docent, Sex Deprived Tina”
Roxanne Carter “bankrupt of all her hopes”
Brett Griffiths “Ode to Fellatio”
The rest of the non-italicized people I have addresses for but need to dig them up elsewhere still. If any of you are reading this, I’ll be getting in touch with you shortly.