notes & things | 8/7/2023

Yesterday we drove out of the city to visit some friends in the burbs amid some sticky heat and sputtery rain, only to arrive back last night to more rain and some decidedly autumnal feeling windiness. We haven't yet hit the day, mid-month usually, when the light feels like fall. These longings for spooky, cooler days and nights is very bittersweet, since the parts of fall that I love are usually over by Halloween and all that's left is the bare branches of November, more mentally treacherous now than ever, and the span of winter that seems to swallow most of the year. 

Still, it is August, that time of year when everything seems a little overgrown and overly buggy. The time of year when the gardens my dad used to keep would be overflowing with things, including a gazillion tomatoes my mother both loved and hated. August and September still feel like a preparation for something, though now I am not sure exactly what. I have writing plans and art plans, and we have some leisure-time plans now that J has successfully untangled himself from the boundaryless nonsense of his previous job, which has meant some more adventures and excursions while he's free and digging up some other kinds of work. 

As for my work, I've been digging in on some increased hours for decor/design./diy assignments I added after stepping away from GameRant last month, which has been keeping me busy along with an increased load from a couple other places. So I spent this afternoon making up for work I skipped on Weds..articles on how to make faux plants look real and the benefits of kitchen islands. Another cooking substitution piece for Cozymeal. I am looking forward to some more fall-appropriate things coming my way in the next few weeks. 

I am still waiting for a bolt of inspiration on the newest series of poems, but may have to dip back in sooner or later since not writing poetry at all these past few weeks feels itchy in a way I can't explain. I am enjoying my collage exploits, and have been editing and sharing the Persephone poems and making plans for that project for next year, but when I deviate from my daily writing there is always relief for about a week and then a feeling that I should be doing it, even if I've given myself permission to take a break.  
