notes & things | 5/14/2023
It is a weekend for mopeyness and illness brought on by a cold J seems to have ferried to me when we saw each other earlier in the week. Part of me is remembering rather fondly the plague days when I didn't get sick for a whole 3 years. I have never been one to wallow, and you probably would have found me pre-pandemic battling my symptoms still at work and going about my business unless fever was involved (and sometimes even when it was under the care of a handful of ibuprofen.) Most illnesses, barring that bout of mono in the mid-aughts, come and go swiftly. Now, I stay home anyway, but have felt feverish and stuffy since Friday night and pretty much not at all useful for any sort of productivity. I'd planned to work on some books, but those will have to wait til Monday,
My mood is also like an infant with colic. I'm hot, I'm cold. I'm hungry, but though I can still taste, nothing sounds particularly good. While not completely stuffed up, I don't sleep well breathing through my mouth. I was enormously happy I could still taste my coffee today after trading it for tea yesterday., one small blessing. I throw open the windows, then close them I take a shower and bitch loudly to no one in particular that it's never hot enough on Sundays when everyone is home washing bodies and dishes and laundry. I cry over lost mothers and fathers and yes, that the cats would not leave my sandwich alone and my tea is too hot to drink. I feel better than yesterday, but not wholly better enough to be back to business as usual. It's also been gray and chilly outside for this late in the spring, which does not help. I do not appear to have a cough, just stuffiness, a sore-ish throat, and fever, so hopefully it will move on our over the water swiftly. I will be back to writing assignments tomorrow regardless.
Since I've just been in and out of the comfort of my bed, my productivity has suffered even on creative things. Instead I've watched countless Instagram reels, the better part of Amazon's Cronenberg romp Dead Ringers (strangeness, but I like it), and the beginning of Outlander (which has been on my list for awhile.) I am up to eat some lunch and clean the kitchen, but will probably retire back to the bedroom as soon as my tea cools and I can drink it and I finish this post. I had plan to make some more promo content for COLLAPSOLOGIES, but it will have to wait.
It occurred to me yesterday that this would normally be the end of the semester for us in the library, that final push and release and how thankful I am to be less beholden to that grind and the flurry of activities that always met the end of the year (even if much of the chaos was self-imposed in terms of programming and exhibits.)It always took a couple weeks to recover, and then it always felt like we were already in the thick of summer. and then it was all too quickly gone.
(and in evidence of my wildly shifting moods, I got distracted by an email from an author while writing this post, had to dig up my old Good Reads password from days of yore to answer it, so meanwhile I put my headphones on, listened to some Taylor Swift and danced in my chair, and am already feeling better and maybe will not be returning to bed quite as quickly. )