notes & things | 4/16/2022
This week has been steadily working on a couple trial assignments to add a couple more content writing exploits and getting promo materials ready for animal, vegetable, monster's impending release, plus the usual proofing and layout on new chaps as I close the gap on late releases. Despite all my studies of schedules and routines since I have forged out on my own, I find I am actually best when I don't get too specific. Sometimes one of the other tasks are optimal in the first couple hours of the day. Sometimes I finish my freelance work in the morning. Sometimes I draft it, then edit and proof later. Sometimes I take naps in the middle of day on days I get up earlier. Maybe the key to a routine is the simple absence of one and not imposing structure when really, it's a productive sort of unstructure. There are still things I want to do more of, including getting out more for walks now that the weather is better (well WHEN the weather is better.)
I spent the week writing about some very cool things for paid jobs--Duchamp's weird machines, Queen Anne homes, Tintoretto's paintings, I also had a trial assignment about vintage movie star arcade cards for another venue I hope makes the grade and lands me some occasional work (it's writing about vintage and antiques, which is like sending me to write about the mothership.). I am thankfully still full of writer energy and ideas for working on the fiction stuff I've been dipping my toes into. Also, still fitting in my daily poems for NAPOWRIMO. Today would normally be when I would switch projects, but I think I'm going to keep going on this one. mostly since the next thing I want to work on is actually a little more research intensive and I don't want to rush it (more on that soon..)
I also still feel like there is more to cover in memoir in ink and bone. I've been sort of between longer books since finishing the automagic manuscript in the fall, so I have some loose bits that may go together in a longer book, but may not at all. I kind of never know until I am either able to come up with a concept idea for it, or the work it self comes up with that idea all on it's own and begins to form some sort of constellation. And of course, there are other manuscripts I need to decide what to do with before I consider anything new with any kind of intensity.
Meanwhile, the weather has been lending me a couple sunny days on occasion, though mostly still cloudy and cool. I have yet to put away my winter coats, nor switch out my clothes for spring, partially since I go out altogether less and it hasn't really been warm enough to wear most of the jackets still tucked away. While April has seemed longish, and I think it's totally because of the slog of NAPOWRIMO, somehow it is strange to realize we are midway through and nearly a mere nine days from my birthday. Tomorrow is Easter, and though my celebrations (not being a christian and having no real festivities afoot even in a secular way) and that too seems strange. Though getting to May (my favorite month) takes time, it's coming nonethless....