lost days

Some days are more functional than others.  Others just feel like lost slips of time where nothing of note is accomplished.  Today, I was up early to do a meeting with some of our student workers,  then talked work stuff with my boss (well, also my best friend, so we talked a bit of non-work stuff as we usually do) .  I finished a slide for a presentation one of our reference staff is doing via LIBRAS, then I just needed a nap, that lasted well into the evening until I got up for my usual Weds. call to my dad.  Then I made dinner and watched Youtube vlogs and will probably go to bed or watch some Netflix.   I ordered another small grocery order via Amazon for the weekend (I was unhappy with my chosen coffee creamer from Whole Foods after years of using the same variety (Italian Sweet Creme) and could always use some more chicken and better pizza crusts than the ones I bought a few weeks ago. )  I did make a stab (literally) after dinner  at some NAPOWRIMO activity, because of course, what is more appropriate to writers in isolation than The Shining, so we'll see how that goes and if I have the energy to keep up with it.

I'll do another post in the next few days on the things I am researching and playing around with, but you can follow along with the drafts here on the blog and on instagram for highlights.
