notes and things
So another week has gotten away from me, but is mostly filled with good library things like planning for our HOAX! CONSPIRACIES, ILLUSION, AND OTHER CREATIVE HIJINKS week coming around the bend in late March (which features an exhibit, an artist panel, and a Found reading.) Also, our February Salon Series, which is featuring some Lettered Streets Press Authors. Also a lot of tricky track things like our spring brochure and general planning that will take us through May. And of course, Reserves, which are hopping now that the semester has kicked in.
In press news, I am moving solidly into 2017 books, so watch for the first of those to be making their way into the world soon. I've been doing layouts in batches, so I've got alot of irons in the fire all at once and am trying to decide whether that is to my advantage (ie more effective) or disadvantage (ie more confusing). My vow to keep steadfast in updating wicked alice is going well and I've just published the first of a series of recommended reads titles I hope to continue and have been sourcing FB for recommendations. I've also been working on some new covers that are original designs, including this little beauty for Anne Bretell's upcoming book that I'm loving.
Writing and art wise, I'm smack in the middle of a little lyric essay in fragments on love poetry, that is both a sort of personal Valentine and something for a wider audience (which is a weird territory to tread creatively-how personal is too personal, isn't everything personal, how closely does one mine reality for details when the relationship is still intact and happening vs. when it is long over and the pieces are being collected by memory. ) It's weird, but I like it.,