Winter has dug in it's heels and seems determined to stay. I spent the weekend mostly huddled under my comforter and watching more old Gilmore Girls episodes on Netflix and trying to distract myself not to freak over random money woes and the amount of stuff I need accomplish before winter break .Meanwhile the snow kept falling and falling, sometimes seriously and sometimes lightly, all of which leads to the sort of seasonal blues I usually try to self-medicate with winter coats and boots (and thus my money woes.) I am also trying to get myself in a holiday mood, but so far nothing is really working.
On Friday, we spent some time teaching kindergartners how to make snow globes, so I'm still fishing glitter out of my hair, but it was a fun day. The semester is winding down and next will week will be one of those lull weeks when classes are out, but the library is still open, the sort of week where students are scarce and I'm usually doomed to day shifts (though this year I've squirreled away some time to take off in the mornings).I do get some extra studio time in the evenings, which will come in handy tying up loose ends. After that comes a blissful week off between X-mas and New Years, so I just need to pull through until then.
Until then, I leave you with creepy Victorian Holiday cards...