It finally, for the past week or so, seems like summer. I am already settled into my summer routines and hours, and blissfully have my free weekends back, in which I mostly plan to loaf about and do some painting and writing. Maybe some napping. Last week's glorious 3-day indulgence was much needed. I also managed to walk away with a sizeable stack of new watercolors to boot. Since I am still keyboardless at home for the time being, my writing has mostly been limited to notes and snippets in my notebook, but I intend to work them into something like finished during week, There is also an erasure project I've been contemplating that I'd love to make some headway on that does not require typing.
Summer has slowed down at the library to a trickle, but we had a decent turnout for the A of R Salon Series last week, despite a stormy deluge, and we have another planned for later in the summer. We are also taking our Bookwrecking workshop on the road to the Small Prestivus Festival in Griffith, Indiana in July. Plans are already underway for Fall workshops and events, including the return of the Little Indie Press Fest and some more printmaking fun.
While I haven't dipped into the inbox just yet, submissions are in full swing for dgp's reading periods this summer, I will likely start reading submissions in the next couple of weeks and choosing manuscripts for 2017. We had a surge in releases and are nearly back on schedule for this year's books as well, with so much goodness still set to come. So stay tuned...