spring updates
I do not have access to a fully functioning keyboard at home just yet, so my time for blogging is limited to studio or work hours, which seem to be occupied exclusively by an onslaught of other things. So thus my lengthy absence. But there are good things happening behind the curtain and many more coming down the pipeline.
Preparations and final edits have been happening for SALVAGE's release, which is ever nigh. Instead of a formal release, I'm planning one of the Salon series with a bunch of other Black Lawrence authors for the summer. I also had a piece from the strange machine series in the latest Rogue Agent and an acceptance from Paper Darts for some of my girl zombie poems.
Aesthetics of Research goings on have been humming along. We've hosted workshops devoted to Junk Art (thriftsore rehabbing, collage, etc.) and Ink (printmaking,rubber stamping, water& ink painting) I also informally launched our Salon Series with some dgp-ers early in February and monthly Zine Night (much less formal.) There were new Surrealism exhibits, Blind Dates with Books, and tiny robots things (and not so tiny robot things) for the annual Easter Egg Art Hunt. The crowning achievement was the Edible Books event, which not only featured the murder mystery I developed from scratch, but also good number of people in attendance.
Visual art exploits have been one of those things that has been swept under the rug in favor of more pressing matters, but I did manage to get some cool ink & water painting during the Ink workshop, that are on display in the newest Art of the Library exhibit. I am also making some rather cool cover designs and posters of late (see below), so I guess not all is lost.
DGP is working through the last of the tardy releases from 2015 and onto the new books for 2016. I've been doing a few interviews about the press, so those will be coming out shortly. I am also still working through the last of the submissions for the mermaid anthology (finally!) and hoping to get responses out before the end of the month (which is when we re-open for regular submissions if you can believe it, on May 1st. )
The weather has been the usual cold spring rainyness that makes April if not the cruelest month, a rather dreary one. But April is all about magnolia blooms and boats in the harbor and my birthday at the end of the month, so it's not so bad. I also wanted to do some more poetry related posts in honor of National Poetry Month, so I may be back in this space (hopefully) sooner than usual. Over and out.