dgp news & notes

Midsummer and already our 2014 season is filling up with awesome books (though there are still a few slots open toward the end of the year, so keep those manuscripts coming. We are officially open until August 31st.).   What can you look forward to next year?  Not only are we bringing on board a bunch new authors (keep an eye on our FB page as we make introductions throughout the next couple of months), but so far we'll also be releasing second chaps in 2014 from Carrie Bennett, Nicole Steinberg, and a book of poems/drawings from recent dgp-er Yu-Han Chao.


In 2014, we will be celebrating our 10th Anniversary, which means lots of festivities, including our AWP Seattle adventure. It's oddly appropo considering I spent AWP 2004 (here in Chicago) running around with copies of the first chap/trial run , my very own Bloody Mary but actually two scared to show them to anyone since I didn't really know what I was doing.  It thrills me to no end that this will be our 4th conference and (hopefully) we've got this thing down.  I'm also happy to be sharing some table space with Misty Publications (and at nearby tables) the folks from Menacing Hedge, Hyacinth Girl Press, Blood Pudding, and the Rooster Moans Collective. So basically it will be whole freakin row of awesome indie  (and female-run) publishing ventures.   Keep an eye out for details on other things that may be happening in terms of panels and readings and such as we know it.

In other news, we are just about to launch two new books this week, Meryl dePasquale's Dream of a Perfect Interface (featuring an amazingly lovely letterpressed cover courtesy of the author and artist Shawn Hebrank), as well as Kyle Law's My Visions Are As Real as Your Movies, Joan of Arc Says to Rudolph Valentino. We are midstride on a couple of other books, with still a whole lot of goodness coming in the remainder of this year.

The rest of this week is dedicated to getting out all the sale orders from a couple weeks ago (the proceeds from which were awesome and will go along way towards helping us with our Seattle trip next year.)  We'll probably be doing another 3/$10 deal in the fall, so stay tuned if you missed this one. Rumor has it we'll also be hosting another giveaway once we meet 1100 followers on our Facebook Page, so watch that space in the next couple of weeks...
