This weekend is brought to you by my new issue of Stolen Island, which on top of being possibly one of the most lovely lit mag designs I've seen, also has some of the little moon poems among it's pages. (Incidently those poems might be coming to a zine/chap like thing soon, I've been musing over a design concept this week. They were folded into a bigger project that is out there under consideration right now, but I'm thinking they might be perfect for something small and more immediate.)
Otherwise, Friday was definitely one of those lovely swirly, creative maelstrom days in which I have all sorts of ideas and never any time to actually get them off the ground, collage series to finish, to start, new book object ideas. I did determine that I should at least get some more of the original pieces getting dusty in the studio bagged and ready for sale, up in the shop, and at least all squared away by the open studio I'm thinking of doing in June, so watch for those. Also I'll be adding some prints from the radio ocularia series and maybe some paper goods (and eventually the zine of the entire project someday when I actually finish it all.)
This is one of those mythical three day weekends, and while I spent some time working on books yesterday, I am doing nothing but household tasks today and tomorrow. It's still too chilly now to spend much time outside, mid 60's, and I've still really yet to pull out the sundresses and flip flops, but June is right around the corner right, and it's gonna happen sooner or later, no? I mean it has to, right?