It's still far too chilly, but I did brave a trip to the market today with only a heavy cardigan on, and even had one of the living room windows wide open for awhile till I was too cold.  There are, I noticed some tiny shoots coming up in the tulip beds along Michigan Ave.  So I suppose spring is still inevitable, even if it sometimes feels like an impossibility.  My weekend has been full of amazing grilled cheese sandwiches (see below) and tea and more Supernatural episodes. Also, penning some more apocalypse poems (oddly appropo).

My plans have finally cemented for the end of the month and my trip south over my birthday.  We'll be in Gulfport from the 23rd through the 28th, and hopefully, will be able to swing over to New Orleans for a day trip sometime in there.   Even though I just spent some time in Rockford, an actual vacation that feels like a vacation will be blissful  We'll be staying at one of the casino hotels for a couple nights on free rooms secured by my uncle  and in an empty condo in my aunt's building the remainder. Not to mention, I'll chip in on gas and meals with my folks, but otherwise, it's practically a free vacation, which is the best kind.  And all that southern warmth, finally, which will be nice, since the Midwest is continuing to be stingy with it.

But in the meantime, there is much to do in the way of books and a batch of  new releases (also finishing my taxes..meh).  This week another grouping of collages goes up in the library art series , I have a new pair of shoes set to arrive (as if I really need more ballet flats), and maybe some more cheese heavy cuisine to develop.


Jeannine said…
I've been writing all-apocalypse poems too. Must be something in the air :)
Happy April birthday! Me too - last day of April, I'm turning...40! Can't believe it somehow.