Today was a rather productive day filled with rain and coffee and bookmaking and all other sorts of press and shop related tasks. In the studio, I also managed to reoganize some shelves, take inventory of supplies, and figure out my pre-holiday soap and candle making strategy--what I need to order, what scents I have and want to try, etc...Right now I have a batch of delicious smelling apricot goats milk underway with some leftover base from last winter. I am trying to start early in preparation for the big December open studio night, which has been pretty successful in past years. Since leaving etsy, the b&b sales have slowed down a bit from a couple years ago (I'd say this is good since I like to make soap when I want to, not like an assembly line wholesaler, which is sort of what it was blossoming into circa 2010) but this event moves more soap and cadles than anything else, even more than paper goods. I'm working on some new jewelry as well, new papery things, possibly some other lovelies. It always catches me unprepared it seems, so I want to be ready.

This is my last open weekend before things get crazy with readings and weddings and Thanksgiving plans and then we are sliding crazy fast toward the new year...
