Today there is technological related crankiness, but also a new poem and a couple of titles for future poems.  Also, a rejection (for beautiful, sinister individual pieces) on the heels of a gleeful acceptance for the JF series (more on this as I know it.) Also lattes and blueberry muffins and hard boiled eggs for lunch. We have been speculating over zombies at work, because what else do people who work in libraries do in the summer when there are no students and a limited number of things to do?  Perhaps we are just waiting for an apocalypse that will make all those zombie movies incredibly useful research and not just a fun diversion. All day, I have been annoyed by having to wear a sundress with a navy background with a black cardigan.  I am annoyed that this is a problem that a) seems at all significant when the apocalypse may be nigh, or b) that I feel a need to voice it. But there it is.
