The night sky has been unusually lovely the last couple nights with its perfect crescent moon, its single bright star (I think it may be a planet.) and the velvety blue backdrop that makes me think of old movie house ceilings. By day, I am doomed to a 9-5 spring break shift and some pesky pollen related unpleasantness. But while I am so tired today I can barely function, there are so many things to be excited about-projects and books on the horizon, kitten antics, new dgp releases, Printers Row book fair plans for summer, raspberry lattes, people who make your heart spin cartwheels sometimes. (even if sometimes things maddenly don't always work out the way you want them to).

I am pushing ahead on the poems that accompany the artwork for the Shipwreck project, and finishing the rest of the collages for it. I'd like to have it finished to debut at the book fair, for which I'm also ordering a new banner and some book stands so that things don't always have to lay so flat. I also finished up and ordered the cards for the Selvedge zine project, which will arrive after the first of the month. (not sure yet on what they will actually be going into, depending on whether I can print on glassine or not or make up some little bands maybe.)
