from Pinterest...
This weekend, I am struggling to get into winter before it, I guess, gets into me. Or gets to me. I am still not quite convinced, and while I would like to find something pretty in all of it, mostly I just feel fragile and panicked when the weather gets chilly and snowy, like I'm minutes from some impending disaster. I just have to focus on good things: boots, sweaters, blankets, peppermint ice cream, paper snowflakes and winter break, which is coming up fast and during which I hope to sit down and get to finishing up the narrative manuscript.
Last night's open studio was successful and traffic was amazing, sold alot of jewelry, candles, and vintage slips. The halls of the Fine Arts were stuffed with people and all sorts of things going on--readings, performances, openings...Today, I have been hiding out in the apartment and catching up on sleep. I do plan to try to put up the tree tomorrow, probably while watching Emmet Otter's Jug Band and making chocolate chip cookies (or more likely eating the dough before I actually bake the cookies.)