new old things
I'm always looking for better ways to manage web content and am thinking about hosting most of my art images on flickr instead of on individual pages of my main website. I've had the flickr account for awhile for random photos, but it just seems to look better and more professional than my shoddy html skills can manage. I will be moving stuff over slowly, but I experimented first with some old photos taken about 8 years ago with a cheapie little black & white disposable cam (back in the days before I could afford a digital one.) There are actually still a couple that never made it to the scanner, but they make a nice little collection. When they were developed apparently there may have been either damage to the film itself or an error in processing, so there are some cool coloring and fades going on. I particularly love how sharp things are in the background (particularly this one and this one..)I've used a couple for wicked alice covers in the past, and thought about offering prints/postcards in the shop at one point, but since they were just 3 x 5's originally, I worry about reproducing them.