Wednesday, October 06, 2010

in brief

There are so many interesting things afoot, experiments, cats in bags, new projects, that I'll be sharing in the coming weeks I scarce know where to begin. Fall always means a renewed sense of purpose for me after the long, lazy summer . I'm feeling a bit more like myself these days, a little more fired-up and organized (as opposed to smoldering, damp, and all unruly). The poems are coming again and for the first time in a while, I don't hate them. I have a couple of art series I am in the midst of and a sketchbook full of more ideas. The Arcana projects results so far as AMAZING and went over well at the Myopic event, and I have about 8 chaps in various stages of layout that will be coming very soon. No doubt my moods will get a little shifty as it gets colder and greyer, but I'm hanging in there. New dresses help, as do copious amounts of apple related baked goods. By virtue of some very generous wholesale orders, I managed to do a good filling out of my shoddy fall wardrobe (sweater dresses, cardigans, tights, boots, all after living blissfully most of the summer in warm-weather dresses and flipflops), bought a new router to replace my wonky one, and managed to assemble and amazing Halloween costume for Theatre Bizarre. I am hoping to get to work on putting it together this weekend since it's fast approaching and there is much to be done in the way of fake blood and gauze bandages...