new issue...

wicked alice / fall 2010

featuring new work by Kimberly Grey, Khadijah Queen, Emilie Beth Lindemann, Rachel Jamison Webster, Megan Kaminski, Erin Gendron, Leigh Phillips, Nicole Steinberg, Deborah Bradford, Joshua Butts, C. Albert, Virginia Bell, Teresa Petro-Micchelli, Laura Dixon, Carolee Sherwood, and art by Cassia Banks.

Not only is it our newest issue, but it's issue #30, and I just realized coming up on our 9th year anniversary online. I launched the journal on September 3rd, 2001, so we've been around quite awhile, even for online journals, which seem to have an expiration date of a few years. I've occasionally thought of drawing the whole thing to a close since things have gotten so crazy with the press, but my sister, voice of wisdom, said simply "you can't do that." I do feel in some ways like it would be abandoning one child simply because the younger child demands more attention. And truth be told, once I get to it, I really enjoy switching gears and putting the issue together, if not wading the inbox and coding the issue (which has gotten easier, first with Front Page, and now the lastest version of MSOffice, it's easypeasy (at least compared to before.) My html skills are still pretty basic, but I suppose they're functional...
