now available from dancing girl press

Between the Devil and the Deep
Lindsay Bland
dancing girl press, 2010

Lindsay Bland holds an MFA from the University of Montana and currently lives and writes in Milwaukee.

The Madre Bones
Amy Fetzer Larakers
dancing girl press, 2010

Amy Fetzer Larakers has had poems published in Near South and blossombones, and her poem “It begins in anise/and ends in Asheville” was published in the 2008 Best of the Net Anthology. She has an MA in English from the Program for Writers at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and a concentration in Latin American and Latino Studies. She currently lives in Wheaton, Illinois.

Squint into the Sun

Jessica Bozek
dancing girl press, 2010

Jessica Bozek is the author of The Bodyfeel Lexicon (Switchback Books) and several chapbooks, including Other People's Emergencies (Hive Press/Dusie Kollektiv). Recent poems appear in Action, Yes, Artifice, Guernica, and Womb. Jessica runs Small Animal Project (, a reading series based in Cambridge, MA.
