dgp 2010 line-up

Yes, kittens, this is it. Not counting the slight backlog of 2009 books that will be out in the next two weeks, this is what we have on tap for 2010. It's a lot of books, but I couldn't possibly let any of them go, and in the next 12 months you will see why. We'll be kicking off the year with Mary Ann Samyn's book in the next week or so (I was so happy when she sent it I nearly fell out of my chair.)We will also have 2009 books from Elizabeth Barbato, Melinda Wilson, Eva Schlesinger, Stephanie Goehring, Leah Browning, Renee Angle, and Laura Madeline Wiseman, all of which are ready to print and will make their debut around Valentines Day (depending on how much time I get to clock in the studio this week.


The Boom of a Small Cannon / Mary Ann Samyn

EMUseum / Ariana Sophia Kartsonis & Caleb Adler

Dear American Lovechild, Yours, The Beautiful Undead / Robyn Art & Robin Barcus

Dear Darkest Sky: Postcards / Jessica Bozek


from The Doll Studies / Carol Guess

Mesmer / Joanna Penn Cooper

Ship-On-Land / Julia Cohen and Brandon Shimoda

Between the Devil and the Deep / Lindsay Bland

The Madre Bones / Amy Fetzer Larakers

Dear Minimum Wage Employee: You Are Priceless / Emilie Lindemann

(al)most delicious / Cati Porter

Silver Roof Tantrum / Naomi Buck Palagi

Something Real / JoAnna Novak


Light Sweet Crude / Cynthia Barounis & Claire Leeds

Easy Beat / Brittany Ober

Houses / Nora Almeida

Birds of Tokyo / Nicole Steinberg

If Made into a Law / Jennifer Fortin

Chrysanthemum Oratorio / Grace Marie Grafton

309.81 / Rachel Mallino

Experiments in Light and Ether / Alexis Vergalla

About birds / Stacy Kidd


Elective Affinities / Kara Dorris

American Lit / Rebecca Guyon

The Bulk of the Mailable Universe / Jules Gibbs

Signs Point to Yes / Lindsay Bell

The Market is a Parasite that Looks Like a Nest / Susan Briante

Planetary Mass / Kat Dixon

Wreckage: By Land & By Sea / Gretchen Henderson

Great America / Trina Burke


Small Hollering / Jamie Kazay

S / Sarah V. Schweig

Field Notes / Linda Leu

Lock, Means / Kristina Jipson

The Art of Exporting / Christina Querrer


Anonymous said…
Yeah for the Susan Briante book upcoming
What a great bunch of writers! I know a lot of their work already.