something new

Since we've been getting a bit unruly over at etsy in terms of shop size and what they can offer in terms of sections (not to mention some recent site and SEO changes have made it harder and harder to get any sort decent reliable random foot traffic over there compared to a year ago..) I've been testing out ecrater as a new shopping cart. I guess since it seems increasingly likely I may have to do all my promo-hoeing myself if I intend to get to get the shop & press to a point where we actually make a real profit, it makes sense to be directing it to a format that makes it easier to shop (and doesn't require users to sign up for an account). I still have a mad addictive love for etsy and will no doubt keep the shop there (to cater to that small amount of internal traffic which is enough to sustain us, but not enough to help us grow) but will possibly be making the official dgp shopfront that links off the main site using ecrater instead of etsy as well as directing some paid advertising that way... I've gone round and round in my head on this. I'm not sure I'm comfortable anymore keeping all my eggs in the etsy basket when every once in a while they all seem to end up in my lap, if that makes sense (hiding vintage, batch loading woes, messing with the Google gods.) And the best thing is that it's almost just as perty as etsy..(and a little easier to sort and find specific things..)


amyyma said…
i think that is so sad! but if it helps you, then i am sure it's worth it!