quand il pleut - by wickedpen on Polyvore.com
I have definitely calmed down mentally a bit from midweek. I think it's just time contraints that make me crazy. The weather is also better slightly, and that helps somehow. I was enormously productive yesterday, working on new art, filling a large order for earrings for 14 bridesmaids, (my sister is overwhelmed with 3, so I can I can only imagine the chaos of 14). Also, some new flasks. I should have a pretty shiny new printer coming either today or Monday to get back to work on the books. AND, amazingly, I wrote two new poems this morning, (largely by forcing myself to not get distracted by e-mails and blogs and various junk.) I dont think I've wrtten two poems in one day since about ten years ago. It felt good (though I will tell you if they are crap when I look again at them tomorrow..)