Yesterday was a rather excellent workshop with Kristina Marie Darling (The Traffic in Women, 2006). I was worried since we got displaced by the Fine Arts Building being closed over the weekend and we had to relocate, but it went off swimmingly. I always pore rather lustily over the P&W special issues, all those retreats and conferences, but ahh..the tragedy of being doomed to day-job hell. Maybe some day..
Otherwise, I have been working on poems, including a piece for a cool project based around the idea of convergence and which involves a sort of round robin of rewrites with a few other poets that should be interesting (it's apparently in conjunction with an art exhibit based on the same thing). I am taking off the week from the usual production frenzy, having well stocked the shop over the last week or so. This week I'll be printing Wiving, finishing layout on the next chap, then heading out to Rockford for the 4th once again for fried chicken, potato salad, and fireworks. I desperately need a break and a change of scenery given a rather hellish past month.
Otherwise, I have been working on poems, including a piece for a cool project based around the idea of convergence and which involves a sort of round robin of rewrites with a few other poets that should be interesting (it's apparently in conjunction with an art exhibit based on the same thing). I am taking off the week from the usual production frenzy, having well stocked the shop over the last week or so. This week I'll be printing Wiving, finishing layout on the next chap, then heading out to Rockford for the 4th once again for fried chicken, potato salad, and fireworks. I desperately need a break and a change of scenery given a rather hellish past month.