series A

I will be reading with Sara Rosenthal on Tuesday night (provided I don't get lost trying to navigate myself via public transportation to Hyde Park)..details below.


Series A is held at the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago at 5020 S.
Cornell (easy to get to from Metra or the #6) at 7:00.

Sarah Rosenthal is the author of three chapbooks: How I Wrote This Story (Margin to Margin, 2001), sitings (a+bend, 2000), and not-chicago (Melodeon, 1998). Her work has appeared in numerous journals including Bird Dog, Milk, Xcp (Cross Cultural Poetics), can we have our ball back, 14 Hills, Tripwire, Shampoo, Tin Lustre Mobile, Mirage/Period/(ical), Tinfish, and Bombay Gin, and her work has been anthologized in hinge: A BOAS Anthology (Crack Press, 2002), the Faux Press Bay Area Anthology (Faux Press, 2005), and The Other Side of the Postcard (City Lights, 2005). Her interviews with Bay Area poets have appeared or are forthcoming in Aufgabe, Jacket, How2, Rain Taxi, and Xantippe.

Kristy Bowen is the author of the fever almanac (Ghost Road Press,
2006) as well as several chapbook projects, including feign (NMP,
2007) and at the hotel andromeda, a collaborative book arts project inspired by Joseph Cornell. Her second collection, in the bird museum is forthcoming from Dusie Books early this year. Another, girl show, will be published by Ghost Road Press in 2009. She edits the online litzine wicked alice and runs dancing girl press & studio, which publishes work by women poets.


For more information, please check the web site: You can find a link there to listen to past readings.


'You can send me a new bio for WA if you like..I'm still updating the ones for some poets who didn't send one... '

Okey dokey, will do. No rush, though. I figure anyone who might happen to investigate [GROWLING SOFTLY] will probably bump into ECTOPLASMIC NECROPOLIS by default.

And yeah, when I was 25ish, I was still relying upon the 'Poet's Market' to figure out where to submit--and all my submissions were sent by snail mail. It was such an arduous process that was just as likely to result in return to sender envelopes as it was to result in any acceptances or rejections. Egads.

Sorry about accidentally tagging a year onto your age, though! I'm nor sure what I was thinking!

I don't really wish to turn 36, that's for sure.