call for submissions

dancing girl press is looking for your epistolary poems for a DIY-inspired book arts anthology project due out in February 2008. This is a small limited edition art book project involving each piece as one of a series of 14 “love” letters by women poets/artists in a 5 x 7 box, each with its own author-designed envelope. We are looking for unconventional takes on the idea of love letters, both textual and visual, and with the widest interpretation. Please send 1-3 epistolary pieces (either in the body of the e-mail or as an attachment) to dancinggirlpress (at) yahoo (dot)com by November 15th. If you are selected to participate, each contributor will need to submit 100 copies of the piece and 100 self-designed envelopes (printed, collage, all the same, all different, whatever your heart's desire) by January 15th. Each chosen contributor will get a complimentary copy of the project after it is released (Valentines Day).
regular size envelopes?
do we paint or can we draw on them, how does it work?