
The new wicked alice is now up featuring work by Valerie Loveland, Lisa Cihlar, June Coleman Magrab, Adam Elgar, Vasiliki Katsarou, Kelly Boyker, J. Elyse Kihlstrom, Michelle Morgan, Julie Strand, Heather Overby, Edward Smallfield, Miriam Pirone, Aliza Einhorn, and Ray Succre.


I looked at the one you published Kristy and that's actually the same sonnet sequence he sent me.


It is sad.

I was excited to see that your summer issue of 'Wicked Alice' is now up (and with a lot of contributors who are new to me) and will be furtively reading it tomorrow in the office.
Anonymous said…
I love that cover...the colors are great, sort of Annie Leibovitz-ish.
Radish King said…
Really great cover, amazing poems by Boyker. As always, good job.
I really liked those Boyker poems, too--especially 'Washing the Body'. Good issue.