guilty pleasure
I LOVE literary biographies, sometimes more than I love the actual literature itself. While I try to stay away from the more drier, more scholarly, therefore respectable ones, I have a soft spot for in particular fictionalized biography, so I was terribly pleased to find this when looking for a bio of Mary Shelly. I'm also big on literary memoirs and autobiographical writings like journals and diaries. There are a couple I've read that I really loved, one on the Bronte's (I can't remember who wrote it) and Wintering (on Plath) by Kate Moses. I also have a particular fondness for scandalous behavior and tawdriness among writers (probably because my own behavior is rarely scandalous and only slightly tawdry.)
On other fronts, I am still living amidst stacks of cardstock, and half-filled envelopes for the Cornell thing. I made the final corrections on Alluvium and plan to print them this weekend and I will be updating the website for sales likely tomorrow. I also need to start addressing Dusie chaps. My folks are coming in for another zoo visit attempt for Father's Day--this time the Brookfield one--on Saturday, so that leaves Sunday as an all work, no play day. I do have Little Miss Sunshine at home to watch, also episodes of The Office (which I've never seen but have been told I will like) and Millenium. So I should be set for all that folding and stapling.
On other fronts, I am still living amidst stacks of cardstock, and half-filled envelopes for the Cornell thing. I made the final corrections on Alluvium and plan to print them this weekend and I will be updating the website for sales likely tomorrow. I also need to start addressing Dusie chaps. My folks are coming in for another zoo visit attempt for Father's Day--this time the Brookfield one--on Saturday, so that leaves Sunday as an all work, no play day. I do have Little Miss Sunshine at home to watch, also episodes of The Office (which I've never seen but have been told I will like) and Millenium. So I should be set for all that folding and stapling.
She also wrote one on Zelda Fitzgerald: