tagged again
by Sara.
So that means I get another round, right? Well, according to MY rules I do..
Here's my first set of answers here.
Five OTHER books you may not of heard of, but should definitely read (barring friends, close aquaintances, teachers, etc):
The Book of Funnels, Christian Hawkey
Into Such Perfect Spheres Such Holes are Pierced, Catherine Barnett
Unfathoms, Kirsten Kashock
The Drowned Girl, Eve Alexandra
Worth, Robyn Schiff
So that means I get another round, right? Well, according to MY rules I do..
Here's my first set of answers here.
Five OTHER books you may not of heard of, but should definitely read (barring friends, close aquaintances, teachers, etc):
The Book of Funnels, Christian Hawkey
Into Such Perfect Spheres Such Holes are Pierced, Catherine Barnett
Unfathoms, Kirsten Kashock
The Drowned Girl, Eve Alexandra
Worth, Robyn Schiff