dgp news and other random stuff
The loveliness that is Donora Hillard's Parapherna is nearing publication. I'm still working out some lay-out stuff, but it should be hitting the site before Christmas. I was thinking of doing another DGP HOLIDAY SPECIAL this year, but we're cutting it too close with the last chap to possibly get them in your mailboxes early enough, so it's going to be..er..well...a JANUARY SPECIAL this year-- 7 chaps for $25. Which is certain value for all of our 2006 titles, including books by Rebecca Cook, Christine Hamm, Sarah Gardner, Robyn Art, Lina Ramona Vitkauskas, Kristina Marie Darling, and Donorah Hillard. For those folks who are early birds and like to get a jump on NEXT years books--all 12+ of them (including books by Brandi Homan, Jen Tynes, Ann Cefola, Khadijah Queen, Erin Bertram, Simone Muench, Jesse Nissim, and others to be announced)--we'll also be setting up a subscription program of some sort, where we will automatically send you every chap we release, plus some other goodies like the print annual for like $45.
In other news, I can finally breathe freely after having tied up all loose school ends, and now get down to other, more enjoyable poetry things. Last night's last thesis seminar was a fun-time with presents and yummy food, and an end to a relatively pain-free semester (there was a little pain in Emerging Poetics with the papers and all). After horror stories of last years thesis process, I'm a bit glad I waited til this fall. It was a smaller group of people who seemed to be reasonably good readers of my work, helped quite a bit with organization issues, and it all seemed much less chaotic than I imagined it would be.
In other news, I can finally breathe freely after having tied up all loose school ends, and now get down to other, more enjoyable poetry things. Last night's last thesis seminar was a fun-time with presents and yummy food, and an end to a relatively pain-free semester (there was a little pain in Emerging Poetics with the papers and all). After horror stories of last years thesis process, I'm a bit glad I waited til this fall. It was a smaller group of people who seemed to be reasonably good readers of my work, helped quite a bit with organization issues, and it all seemed much less chaotic than I imagined it would be.