I've been rather busy with press business this last week, laying out the next chap, reading through manuscripts for next year, scheduling the upcoming reading at Quimby's in July. So, I've stubbornly vowed to do nothing editing/publishing/poetry related this weekend, and initially planned to spend some time outside, maybe the beach or the park. It would figure it's freakin freezing. So I'll have to settle for lolling in bed reading novels and napping profusely. Yesterday, the blessed summer half-day Fridays, so went to lunch and shopping with little sis. Wound up buying Laura Sim's Practice, Restraint and a book of Patti Smith poems, Auguries of Innocense, about the only poet/rock star I can handle. Then went to see The Omen remake, which I liked alot. It's been just long anough since I've seen the original for the whole thing to seem unfamiliar. Today, I washed several days worth of dishes and worked on collages. I just got a shipment of supplies from office max, toner, envelopes, and best of all, a gigantic pack of Pilot g-2s. I've been winging it with some crappy blue pens this week, and find I can't write poems with them. Too distracting somehow, how the words look on the page, all the cross-outs.
