I've been having monstrous spam atacks in all my lycos e-mail accounts the last few weeks, especially my personal account. And since I'm not interested in psychiatric drugs or increasing my penis size, I'm tired of deleting all of it. Henceforth, I'm now switching to Yahoo for everything. I've been using it for dgp for awhile, but here are the new addresses for the others:
to contact me: wickedpen74 (at)
to contact Wicked Alice: wickedalicepoetry (at)
No worries if you've already sent anything to the old, I'm still checking it periodically.
I've also figured out how to us the shopping cart feature from Paypal at the dancing girl site since there'd been some requests for it.
to contact me: wickedpen74 (at)
to contact Wicked Alice: wickedalicepoetry (at)
No worries if you've already sent anything to the old, I'm still checking it periodically.
I've also figured out how to us the shopping cart feature from Paypal at the dancing girl site since there'd been some requests for it.